Elevate Your Restroom Experience with the Eucalyptus-Scented Urinal Screen!
Transform your restroom into a refreshing sanctuary with our unique Urinal Screen. Featuring an invigorating eucalyptus-scented deodorizer, this innovative solution not only protects the condition of your restroom but also ensures a consistently fresh and pleasant environment.
Designed with precision, our Urinal Screen measures 6-1/2 inches long by 6-1/2 inches wide by 1-1/2 inches tall, offering a perfect fit for any urinal. The block itself is compact yet effective, standing at 1-1/4 inches tall with a 2-3/4 inch diameter, ensuring long-lasting freshness.
Choose the Urinal Screen for a cleaner, fresher restroom experience that stands out. Upgrade now and enjoy the benefits of a truly unique and effective deodorizing solution.